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Laurie Jinkins

LD 27 - House (Pos. 1)

For years, Speaker Laurie Jinkins (LD-27) has been an exceptionally strong voice for kids and families in Olympia. In her historic leadership role, she's in a powerful position to keep prioritizing policies that will positively impact kids across Washington. Speaker Jinkins has made it her mission to fight for the most vulnerable communities and is committed to collaborating with members of the legislature to deliver powerful policy impacts for children, youth, and families statewide.  

We are honored to support her bid for reelection and encourage you to do the same:

Copyright © 2024 Children's Campaign Fund           (206) 607-2569         PO Box 19777, Seattle, WA 98109

Paid for by the Children's Campaign Fund Political Action Committee ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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